Choosing Paulson for IDC and Medical ppe

Infectious disease control (IDC) refers to the measures put into place to reduce or prevent the spread of contagious pathogens in healthcare settings and other situations where workers cannot avoid exposure. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is critical to any successful IDC plan, as it provides a necessary layer of protection from potentially contaminated air or surfaces. Protective gear is typically used by medical personnel, but is especially important for any individual who experiences regular exposure to the public during pandemics such as the current COVID-19 crisis.

What Are the Various Types of IDC Medical PPE?IDC Action Shot 2 1024x683 klein6

PPE is a broad category that refers to protective equipment for workers in a variety of applications, from goggles and protective face shields for manufacturing applications to gowns and masks for healthcare workers. IDC-specific medical PPE is specially designed for use in the presence of contagious or infectious particles that can be communicated through airborne droplets or direct contact with a contaminated surface.

A variety of personal protection equipment can be used to prevent the spread of infectious disease, including:

  • Gloves: Gloves offer a clean, protective barrier between the wearer’s skin and potentially infectious fluids, materials, and surfaces.
  • Gowns: Isolation gowns keep the wearer’s clothing and arms from coming in contact with contaminated particles from infected surfaces or airborne droplets.
  • Masks/Respirators: Masks and respirators are critical for protecting wearer’s mucous membranes in the nose and mouth from airborne droplets released by coughing, sneezing, and talking patients. Individuals who are infectious can also wear masks to reduce the potential for airborne spread via respiratory droplets. Isolation masks with built-in eye protection are also available.
  • Eye Protection: Protective eyewear such as lightweight, disposable protective goggles or disposable and reusable protective face shields help reduce the wearer’s exposure to airborne particles, infected surfaces, or splashed or sprayed bodily fluids.

Why Is IDC Medical PPE Important?

IDC medical PPE offers critical protection against a host of pathogens, chemicals, solvents, and other potentially harmful substances that can be inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Not only does PPE benefit healthcare workers, it can help protect individuals who are immunocompromised or have a weakened immune system. In fact, compromised individuals and medical professionals were in the habit of wearing a variety of PPE, even before the fight against coronavirus began.

Since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, demand for medical PPE has skyrocketed. With the WHO reporting more than 70 million recorded cases and 2 million deaths worldwide, many people are seeking additional protection from the highly virulent and airborne pathogen. To keep up with demand, Johns Hopkins estimated that manufacturers in the U.S. developed and used more than 3.4 billion gloves, 321 million gowns, 171 million medical grade masks, and 57 million N95 masks as early as April 2020. Since then, the demand for these items, as well as protective goggles and face shields, has only increased. Goggles in particular have proven to offer protection from disease transmission, not only by preventing contact with airborne particles, but also by deterring individuals from touching their eyes with contaminated hands, gloves, or other items.

Choosing an Industry Leader With Paulson Manufacturing

At Paulson International, we understand the need for a reliable source of high quality IDC and medical PPE for our frontline workers in the fight against coronavirus. With Paulson Manufacturing as an industry leader in the development and fabrication of personal protective equipment, we have the knowledge necessary to ensure compliance with the latest regulations and requirements for critical PPE during these uncertain times. With lives at risk, it is important to work with a trusted company with a reputation for high-quality protective gear. Paulson is committed to providing superior protection for our customers against infectious diseases including coronavirus.

Paulson International is a reliable provider of medical-grade face shields and protective goggles. Although goggles are often overlooked in PPE attire, they are critical to ensuring total protection for health care workers and other frontline personnel, as individuals can be exposed to infectious pathogens through the mucous membranes of the eye. Protective face shields offer additional protection of the entire face, further reducing potential exposure, particularly when used in conjunction with goggles and face masks.

Dependable IDC and Medical PPE by Paulson International

At Paulson International, we pride ourselves on providing our customers with optimal protection from a variety of hazardous chemicals and dangerous pathogens. We understand that simple is better, and ease of use is paramount for user safety. All of our products are designed and manufactured to stringent safety and quality standards, with particular attention to comfort, adjustability, and ease of use. Whether you need protective goggles or reusable face shields, we have industry-compliant PPE to enhance employee safety.

To learn more about our selection of IDC and PPE products and design capabilities, contact the experts at Paulson today